The greater amount of fiberglass in the composition of Planefibra tiles makes them 28% more resistant than the common on the market. Modern and efficient architectonic projects count with the superior quality of Planefibra translucent panels. Durable and highly resistant, the products fulfill a variety of construction needs, such as roofing systems and front and side enclosures that significantly increase brightness in the environment.
The guarantee of scheduled deliveries and specialized customer service are competitive edges that sets Planefibra apart as a reference in its sector.
Full compliance with the NBR 16753 code - Specific for fiberglass-reinforced polyester - Flat sheets, panels, and continuous vaults – Requirements and testing methods.
Planefibra panels are the only ones in the market with UV protection polyester film on both sides, as a standard finishing for all models, at no additional cost.
Natural lighting is key in sustainable projects, since taking advantage of sunlight makes the environment more functional and enjoyable, resulting in countless benefits for the companies:
Technical reports show a comparison between the natural yellowing time of the Planefibra panels that receive the external film, versus the common panels found in the market which don’t have that protection.
Guidance Data FBR40/980
• Density used to calculate the theoretical weight: 1.35 kg/m³;
• Maximum gap between columns calculated considering translucent panel combined with metal panel, with maximum load of 60 kg/m² with maximum deflection of L/120;
• Tests of the U-value according to ASTM C518, performed by LabEEE of the Federal University of Santa Catarina;
• Visible light passage according to ASTM E903, test performed at Planefibra’s lab;
• G Solar Factor, according to ISO 9050 / ASTM E903, performed by LabEEE of the Federal University of Santa Catarina;
• Minimum inclination of 5%.
The compensation of the translucent panel for the thermal panel can be done regardless of how thick is the insulation.
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